Book Pages Wreath

It's Wednesday - halfway through the work week, and ticking my way through my holiday projects list. I made oodles of ornaments for various family members, a few strands of circle garland in cheery winter prints to adorn my kitchen window, and I've done some really fun holiday art arrangements....all of which I'll share in later installments this week. 

Tonight, I want to show you my twist on the vintage book page wreath that I made this evening. This is another easy (aside from a slew of hot glue gun burns!) and practically free project. And look how gorgeous the final result: 

(Just watch those fingers- seriously! I've incurred at least 5 blisters with this project. Ouch!!!!) 

To make this wreath, you'll need:

1) A cardboard wreath form cut from a cardboard box. (Big circle with a smaller circle cut out of the center. My wreath form is about 18" diameter, but you can customize your own size.)
2. Book pages (that you're willing to sacrifice. I have thousands of books, and I've read every one. Not all are worth a second run through. )
3. Gray cardboard egg carton
4. Glue. (I used a hot glue gun, but it was painful. You could use a spray adhesive or another quick setting glue instead.)
5. Silver glitter glue. 
6. Scissors. 
7. A bit of twine or ribbon to attach to the back of the wreath for hanging. 


1. Tear out your book pages. The more raggedy your edges, the more interesting the final look. It doesn't matter what size book you use....I used a standard paperback that's about 8.5"x 5."  I wanted varied sizes for my wreath, and I had a 9-year old daughter who wanted to help. Win!!! I had her tear some pages in halves, and some in quarters. Here's my pile o' papers:

2. Roll one page piece into a triangular tube, narrow at one end and open at the other, and secure the narrow end with a dab of glue (to keep the curl from unfurling). Your rolls should look something like this:
(Yes, you'll be a glittery mess, too, when this is all said & done...)

3. Glue each rolled page to your wreath form, working from the inside center out to the edges, being careful to cover all the cardboard.  I chose to do two layers of papers for more depth and texture, nesting one layer inside the other. Most projects Iy've seen use a single layer only, so take that route if you want this to go a bit more quickly or just prefer it that way. Keep going until you've completely filled your wreath form. 

4. Next, we're going to make the gorgeous shabby rosettes framing the center of the wreath. Grab your cardboard egg crate. (I know lots of eggs come in styrofoam cartons - that's not what you need.) This is what I'm referring to:
Tear off one egg cup, then use your scissors to cut a rough spiral, like so:

Twist your spiral into a rough rosette, and use a dab of glue to hold the base of your rosette secure.  Douse liberally with silver glitter glue (you could use another color, but silver looks really amazing on this material - the pics just don't do it justice) and glue to the center of your wreath. Add as many or as few as you like! 

A few rosette tips: If you want tight rosettes, tear off the extra cardboard appendages. Otherwise, these pieces look like unfurling petals, which is pretty, too! I mixed the two. 

5. Attach a bit of twine or ribbon to the back of the wreath for hanging, and voila! A wreath to stir the soul of your favorite bibliophile! 

I think this makes a great gift...what do you think? 

Well, it's off to meetings first thing in the morning, so I better get my beauty rest! (Really. It's a favor to others.)

Stay sassy,

- Anna

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