Greetings! I'm picking an easy project to feature tonight because I'm all out of energy. This first week back to work really took it out of me, but it's good to hop back into "real" life again. And I'm trying to power through the fatigue as much as possible. So far, so good!

Here's tonight's finished project:

Though this one is incredibly easy, it may require a trip to a craft supply store, unless you happen to horde crafty stuff like I do. Here's what you'll need:

1) Paper mâché star ornaments. (I bought these gold ones years ago at a random dollar store, and I've held onto them for well over 10 years, waiting for a good use. I knew I'd find one! You can probably find unfinished stars at your fave craft store. You'll obviously need to paint them, though.) Here's what my stars looked like prior to embellishment:

2). Metal expressions embellishments in various finishes (silver, gold, copper, bronze.) You can find things like the ones I used in the scrap booking section of your local craft store. (Again, these have been part of my stash for a very long time, so I doubt you'll find the precise match. But I'm sure you can find a great approximation! These are actual heavy duty metal - not stickers that fake it ) Here's a pic of the package mine came in:

4. Rough twine.

5. Glue gun

These are so easy to make that it's probably self explanatory just by looking, but I'll give you quick directions just in case!

1. Use hot glue to attach the end of your working twine to an inconspicuous part of your star, and continue to wrap the twine around the star - as little or as much as you choose. (Be warned that wrapping the entire star in twine leaves the shape of the star all but completely obscured.)

2. Use hot glue to attach your metal expression embellishment. 

That's it! You're already done! What will you do with your gorgeous primitive stars? What will you do with all this extra time you now have, since you thought this project might take much longer?

Well, whatever you choose to do next, may your days be Merry!  

Stay sassy, 
- Anna

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