DIY Holiday: Paper Ornaments

So much for my plan to get to bed at a decent time tonight! Unfortunately, the urge to create hit just before I could dose off. I think it was worth it, though.... I' m rather pleased with the result!

If you've spent any time at all on Pinterest, I'm sure you've seen tons of different crafts utilizing book pages. I've been meaning to put my own twist to this concept for some time now, because I have more books than many libraries. In fact, I brought in one more box from the garage just before my surgery that has not yet been unpacked. Perfect place to find some nonessential books not likely to get a second visit. 

- 3 book pages, removed
- 1 book page cut in shape of circle (I used a CD to trace)
- Twine
- Glitter glue

Step 1: Create the Pom
I used three pages of a paperback roughly 5"x7", and treated it just the same as the Pom tutorial previously posted. (In case you're too lazy to look, fold your three torn pages in half, then fold the remaining rectangle in accordion folds. Use a piece of twine to tie off the middle, and to create a loop for hanging. Now fluff out each layer. Don't worry if the pages rip a bit - it makes no diffetence.) Lastly, add a bit of glitter glue to the edges of the Pom. 

Step 2: Create the Rosette
Take your circle shaped page and cut into a spiral, starting at the outside of the circle, moving toward the center. Don't get too nitpicky - the spiral doesn't need to be very accurate. Leave enough paper in the center-most portion to serve as a cradle or base for the completed rosette. 
Starting from the outside of the spiral, begin rolling tightly toward the center. Wrap the "base" piece you left in the center around the completed spiral.  If you like, you can loosen the layers a bit by allowing the rosette to unfurl slightly. Use a little dab of glue to secure the end of the wound spiral to the "base" piece.  Embellish with glitter glue to center and edges. 

Step 3: Combine the Pieces
Add a dollop of glue to the center of the Pom near the twine hanging loop. Gently press the rosette into the glue, and allow to dry thoroughly before hanging. 

Now I just need to make about 50 more of these - but I'll have to save that for tomorrow. Hope you are inspired to make your own book pages decor!

Stay sassy, 

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