DIY Holiday: Pumpkin Carving w/ Cookie Cutters

Happy Halloween! Listen, I've been a terrible mother this week and we put off carving until the last possible minute. Both of my girls had Halloween plans with friends, which means that we had roughly 1 1/2 hours to feed and costume the kiddos, apply makeup, pack overnight bags, and carve the doggone pumpkins. 

I've seen a few Pinterest pumpkins that used cookie cutters.  Sounds much less hazardous than giving sharp knives to my girls! 
See what I mean? Doesn't that just scare you more than any ghost or ghoul? 

So I talked at least one of the dynamic duo into using the cookie cutters...though I don't recommend her chosen methodology - a mallet would've worked much better, but my daughter is her own kind of special! (Love you, Kiera!)

Bottom line, metal cookie cutters work great! I tried to warn my daughter that plastic cookie cutters just won't hold up. She had to try any way, and it did kind of work, but will be relieved from further duty due to some devastating injuries. 

And while I'm tired and ready to say goodbye to Halloween, I'm glad I did this for ya'll tonight. It reminded me that I left both pumpkins and a candle lantern lit - holy fire hazard! Thanks for saving me from that particular call to my insurance agent!!!! Not the kind of fright I was hoping for tonight!

Stay sassy, 
- Anna

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