Halloween Costume Inspirations

I absolutely love dressing up for Halloween, and I love to use the holiday to express some creativity. This girl never, EVER buys pre-packaged costumes. The thrill is in the hunt - for inspiration, for the most clever and unexpected choice, for the perfect elements at some random thrift store or craft store to pull it all together. 
For example, last year I was reading the collaborative sci-fi series "Wild Card" that George RR Martin (as in Game of Thrones) contributed to. That inspired the costume pictured above. 

This is the first year in as long as I can remember that I don't have a Halloween party to attend. My husband's DJ company hosted an annual party for as long as I can remember....but not this year. But you're in luck, because that annual party caused me to meticulously stockpile the best inspirational ideas on Pinterest, and I'm happy to share the top 5 with all of you! 

These are only for those of you who have the urge to do something a little different and ever so slightly outrageous. 

And don't worry about me - I'll still dress up, even if I just stay home and hand out candy. 

Happy Halloween!

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