DIY Holidays: Yarn Wrapped Letters

Apologies about the lack of postings this week...been a bit under the weather. But, as all of us theatre kids know, the show must go on! 

I don't know about you, but we got a TON of junk mail from politicians over the last week or so. My husband and I vote opposite sides of the aisle, so we really get deluged. I hate the ads, but they usually use a decent stock of paper and I figured I'd save a bit out of my recycle bin for this little project. 

So grab some card stock junk mail, as well as these supplies:

- Yarn of your choice
- Glitter
- School Glue
- Scissors
- A pen or pencil
- optional stencils or letter templates
( ignore the thread;for a different project)

This is a really simple project...

Step 1: Determine what word or phrase you'd like to use. I chose "SNOW," primarily because I was working with white yarn and it seemed a logical choice. ( Note to God & Mother Nature: Please remember that I'm a Michigan girl who hates cold weather and snow - and who's seen more than her fair share already - so this is by no means an invitation to send the awful white stuff my way.). Either draw your letters on your card stock, as I did, or use stencils or templates to trace your lettering onto the card stock. 

Step 2: Use scissors to cut your letters. (If you'll be using these letters as ornaments, punch a hole and add your hanging string now.) 

Step 3: Begin wrapping your letter.  I did not try to precut the yarn; just let it unspool from the yarn as needed. Add a bit of glue to the end of the yarn and to the section of the card stock that you begin wrapping. Wrap, wrap wrap; round and round you go!  Depending on the letter, you may need to  work in separate sections. Just be sure to secure any cut yarn with a dab of glue.  You may also need to wrap two layers to adequately cover the attack ad and campaign slogans. Make the most of those campaign dollars!!!!

Step 4: Add some glue to the front of each letter and sprinkle liberally with a coordinating glitter. Allow to dry. 

You can arrange your letters in a tableaux, like so:

You could also add these to a canvas or card stock and create your own holiday art, or you can hang as ornaments. You could also create a garland or banner for your mantle. I can't wait to hear about your creative applications and see your projects!

Stay sassy, 

- Anna

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