DIY Ornaments

Hello, my sassy pals! Ready to put to use that cardboard circle left over from your Snowball wreath? Once you see the ornaments we'll make tonight, you'll want to cut out lots more cardboard circles! 

This is another super cheap project that seriously costs just pennies, and is easy enough to do with the kiddies. Here's what you need:

- Cardboard circle (any scrap cardboard will do! I made bigger circles, about 6" in diameter, but these are cute in any size!)
- tissue paper in your choice of colors, solid or print
- Scissors
- Glue stick or Elmer's glue (⚠️I suggest using this actual brand. I used an off-brand from the Dollar Tree on a previous project {my yarn wrapped "SNOW" letters, which now look pissed upon🙀}. Totally ruined, and just not worth saving 50 cents!) 
- Small bits of coordinating ribbon
- Glue gun for securing ribbon to back of ornament

Step 1. PREPARE YOUR TISSUE PAPER. There are soooo many ways you can do these ornaments. Here's a few suggestions:

A. Twisted. The first pic shows twisted tissue paper, which creates a great 3-D texture.  For this version, cut long strips of tissue paper, about 2.5" wide, and roll each strip in a single direction. Tight rolls look great, but looser rolls result in an interesting look, too. You could use multiple colors, or a single patterned paper like I used. For a rustic look, use brown paper bags or craft paper. Experiment & see what you like best! 

B. Rolled: Cut your tissue paper in random lengths, each about 2" wide. Use  a pencil or something similar to roll your paper. Use a dab of glue to hold your paper tubes shut. 

Here's a bad pic of the rolled style. I'll update this when I have better light! 

C. Fluffy: Go piñata style! Cut your tissue paper in small rectangular shapes; about 1.5" wide & 2" long. You can do this in multiple colors, like a piñata, or you could even use book pages for a more scholarly interpretation. Fringe the edges with scissors along the width if you like. Fold your pieces down the middle lengthwise, and gently twist the center of each piece. This will give you the fluffiness you're going for, and serve as a "base" to glue the pieces to the cardboard. (I did not have time to make a sample yet, but I will!! And I'll add a picture very soon!!!) 

D. Torn: If you want an abstract look, torn tissue paper is the choice for you! For this style, you'll need a skinny paintbrush and a bit of water. Parents, you may want to supervise this part, as little ones tend to be a bit too liberal with the water. A little bit goes a long way. Using your slightly wet paintbrush, freehand your tear-lines on your tissue paper. Wavy and irregular is better than straight and uniform! Let the water sit on the tissue paper for a minute or so, then gently tear your paper into strips. Use the same method to tear your pieces to best fit your cardboard square. You can create a rough design, like birch trees, or you can take a more Jackson Pollock approach and randomly layer colors. (Again, no pics, but I expect to get free child labor on this over the Thanksgiving break, so look for an update with pics soon!)

STEP 2: GLUE YOUR TISSUE PAPER. Liberally coat the "working section" of your cardboard circle with glue. Dab the back of each piece of tissue paper with a bit of glue, as well, and firmly attach to the cardboard circle. Keep your pieces snugly together to fully cover the cardboard! Let dry fully before flipping ornament over to cover the back side with tissue paper (optional, of course!) and before moving on to Step 3. 

STEP 3: PREPARE YOUR ORNAMENT FOR HANGING. Attach loop of ribbon to back of ornament with hot glue. Now deck those halls with your fabulous ornaments!!! This is a cheap and easy way to bring Christmas to every corner! Here's one picture of my ornaments, bringing Holiday cheer to my china cabinet:
I plan to make more so I have an ornament for each of my upper Kitchen cabinets. I'll be sure to add that pic, too, if we can ever keep the kitchen clean long enough! ☺️

Now that was easy, and even fun, wasn't it? Didn't I tell you?!?? This crafting stuff brings joy to the world! 👼 Let me know about the joy in your corner of the world, okay? I love to hear about and see how your projects turn out! 

Before we call it a night, be sure to save that leftover cardboard for another great project, coming your way soon!

Happy Thanksgiving, my friends! So thankful for all of you!

Stay sassy, 

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